Friday, May 21, 2010


I was in the shower today and started to have a panic attack. "What if I fail at this? What if I am one of those who just isn't able to do what I need to do, to lose the weight? What will I do if I still can't lose weight after this tool has been placed inside me? What if.... What if...."

It's was frightening....

The Band is only a tool, it still takes A LOT of work on my part. In some ways... things have become super easy for me and in other ways, harder. sigh.

EASY: I feel full faster, I can eat small amounts and feel full for longer

HARD: I have to plan what I am going to eat and when I am going to eat, other wise I graze and eat small unhealthy food all day. (which is what I did before but on a larger scale) Learning to eat when I am hungry... not because I am bored or because I am emotionally drained.

The band has taken away my physical need of eating and being hungry and all I am left with is the raw mental side of it all...

It's overwhelming at times.


Anonymous said...

Oh girl I know what you mean-I did really well with my no sugar, no soda pop and mentally I was not searching for that sugar high really quick-then came my birthday-thought I could have one piece of cake-mmm NO that was a month ago and I still am searching for a little sugar. Like I told myself-Im a sugar addict-I cannot just have one-so I cannot have any!

Unknown said...

I understand... I have to get off sugar too.... if I have one piece it's all over!! I'll just want more and more!! : ) Dang Sugar!