As I have written before, ever since my Lap-Band Surgery, I have REALLY struggled around my "period" with foggy head and migraines. It is all new to me so I am just trying to figure things out. Went to see my primary Doctor about it and he said that I would just need to treat the symptoms for now.. because while I am losing so much weight my body is in turmoil and there is not much they can do for me. : ( I even went and had my eyes checked.... (I have perfect vision)
Well.. last night while I was working out with my trainer... I kept mentioning how light headed I felt. Especially when I went from exercises on the floor to standing up. Finally she asked if I was anemic? (iron deficient) I said, I didn't think I was but I haven't taken my iron pills in months because they are not chewable. She said that one of her nutrition classes told her that you can take a "real" gold ring and rub it on the cheek of the person who is in question and if it leaves behind a mark then that person is iron deficient.
When I got home I tried my husband's wedding band.. and low and behold... I got a black mark on my cheek. I went around and tried the kids, my sister and my husband. Nothing! I went and washed the mark off and tried again with my wedding ring.
What do you think? I am thinking that this girl needs to take her iron pills. I really have been feeling so horrible around my period. Fatigue, foggy in the head, lightheaded and migraines... I don't know why this works but I am a believer. All my symptoms hit at a iron deficiency being my problem.
It may not be scientifically proven but I am going to treat myself for anemia. I'll start with taking my iron supplements and if I don't see any improvement... I'll visit with my Doctor about it.
So there you have it. VERY INTERESTING! : )