A HUGE, SORRY to my followers and friends. I am only now able to finally commit to writing a post.
My father passed away on Easter Sunday. He spent a week in the hospital after having an unexpected stroke. We had to take him off his breathing tube because the damage in his brain was so severe. He was 54 years old.
It's been forever since I felt like I had anything extra to give. So blogging was put on the back burner. I could barely function as a mother and wife for awhile.
I didn't lose much weight during the last few months. I have finally started getting back to normal habits. I am at 202 lbs... that's 111 lbs if you are counting. ( I am ) lol.
I think my body is changing and shifting. People are really commenting about how I look. Men are hitting on me. And I feel great! : ) Though the random men hitting on me is really weird. Thank goodness my hubby is a good sport about it all.
I really need to get back to the gym on a regular basis and I need to quit cheating on sweets. Just 2 lbs to go and I can finally be under 200lbs. How cool will that be.
Thanks for letting me ramble. I will try to post more regularly.