Sunday, November 7, 2010

70 lbs

I did it! Whoot! Whoot! I had a personal goal to make it to 70 lbs before Thanksgiving. I have a little more time left before my Thanksgiving Vacation and maybe if I am lucky I can see the scale drop a little further.

So, my weight loss is apparent now to almost anyone who knew me before. I've had some interesting conversations... here is how some of them go...

"WOW! You are looking great!" "Thank you" "What have you been doing?" "Oh, I had Lap-Band Surgery" "Oh......"

LOL! I know I could say... "Oh, I've been eating less and working out" (which is the whole truth) but I feel like if they ask "HOW" I want to give credit where it's due. It cracks me up because I don't think they are expecting to hear "I've had Lap Band Surgery" It almost always leaves them at a loss for words.

I had a friend who a few years back lost a lot of weight and when I asked "how did you do it" she said working out & eating less. I felt great for her and so sad for me because dang it... I just couldn't make it happen. Ended up, she told me later, that she was taking a diet drug... I felt a bit betrayed at the time. That is probably why I am so open to giving the credit to my Lap-Band.

I know not everyone feels this way but it works for me. Well enough random thoughts for the moment. HAPPY 70lbs Lost TO ME!!!

(still hoping to get my 60 lb pic posted) sigh.

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nikki said...

What a wonderful accomplishment! :) So exciting and inspiring!

Sarah G said...


Kathy said...

That is so awesome!! Congratulations!! And you still have 18 days until Thanksgiving so who knows how much more you'll lose by then.

Bonnie said...

I'm so happy you met your goal. That's awesome.

Heather said...

You met your goal with time to spare! How awesome is that? Congratulations. I agree about being open.

Jon and Katie said...

Heather that's awesome, you look great, wish I lived closer so we workout together.